Daily healthurgency tips presents
14 best natural ways to get rid of the headache
Rest : Headaches are often a sign that your body needs a break says Elizabeth Lauder MD chief of a headache and pain division at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston and president of the American headache Society many people are very busy and are reluctant to take the time but if you consider the trade-off of spending 10 minutes to close the blinds lie down and relax when you feel a headache forming that might be a better use of your time than being incapacitated later on after it gets worse she says mark W Greene MD director of the Center for headache and pain medicine at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City agrees he recommends lying down in a dark well-ventilated room if you can he adds try to sleep for an hour or so rather than fighting sleep and making things worse this can be a great treatment.
Eat Small Frequent Meals : If you haven't eaten anything in a while that taking or fuzzy feeling may be a result of low blood sugar, in this case, eating something right away could nip the nagging sensation in the bud some research suggests that foods rich in magnesium such as spinach tofu olive oil or sunflower or pumpkin seeds may be especially helpful in general dr. green advises his headache patients to graze on small meals throughout the day rather than three large ones at breakfast lunch and dinner this way your blood sugar stays more consistent and you won't experience those types of crashes.
Ice Your Forehead : Lying down with a chilly wet washcloth or a cold compress over your forehead or rise may provide temporary relief from a nagging headache and may even help it disappear completely says dr. Lauder you can also make little ice popsicles in the freezer and rub the forehead or temples for up to 10 minutes she says many people think that I Stiles by shrinking blood vessels but dr. Lauder says that in the case of headaches it's more likely a counter-irritation effect if your brain is paying attention to the cold stimulus it's not paying attention to the pain but regardless of how it works, she says it can be a useful and effective ritual for people who have recurring head pain.
Take a Hot Shower : People tend to prefer cold overheat when it comes to topical headache treatments but sometimes a steamy shower may be just what you need says dr. Greene people who wake up with head pain and that's not rare by the way often tried to stay in bed and pretend it's not real or hopes that it will go away that rarely works he says what can help is getting your day started with a cup of coffee if you're a regular coffee drinker a bit of breakfast and a hot shower to wake you up if your headache is related to a cold or sinus pressure he adds the moist warm air can clear your nasal passages as well.
Get A Massage : One of the most low-tech and old-fashioned ways to treat a headache is still one of the most effective says dr. Lauder many people find that gentle pressure on the temples can at least temporarily relieve pain, in fact, any type of rubdown may help relieve or prevent headaches in a study from New Zealand migraine sufferers had less frequent pain and slept better during weeks they received massages than others who didn't and a 2010 Spanish study found that patients with recurring tension headaches reported better psychological states reduced stress and fewer symptoms within 24 hours after receiving a 30-minute massage.
Try Acupressure : According to Chinese medicine practices applying pressure to a point on the hand between the thumb and index finger can help relieve headache pain simply squeeze the indentation between the two digits with the thumb and index finger of your opposite hand and massage in a circular motion for five minutes then switch hands it's certainly a harmless thing to try and at the very least it's a distraction from the pain says dr. Lauder who adds that it may also be helpful to rub ice on this spot for a few minutes you could also try acupuncture the technique which uses long needles inserted into the skin to stimulate trigger points throughout the body has been shown to help prevent migraines as well as frequent tension-type headaches
Go Easy On The Alcohol : This may be the most obvious one of the bunch at least to anyone who's ever had one too many cocktails and answered for the next day the most significant factor is how drunk you get there research suggests that darker liquors may make hangovers worse dehydration also plays a role so be sure to sip water along with your beverage of choice for people who are sensitive to headaches or migraines however even just a small amount of alcohol can trigger a painful attack says dr. green anyone will get a headache if they drink a whole bottle of wine but there are lots of people who will get a headache just from one glass dr. green says for those people it's all about learning to recognize their triggers and knowing when to stop.
Stay Hydrated : Headache is one of the first signs of dehydration to make sure you're drinking enough fluids try to consume them throughout the day rather than just guzzling them down at mealtimes or during periods of heavy physical activity suggests dr. green Institute of Medicine guidelines say that adults should consume between eleven and five team cups of water a day but that also counts liquid from other sources like low-calorie liquids tea and skim or low-fat milk for example as well as fruits and vegetables even moderate coffee consumption contributes to your daily fluid intake a 2014 study published in PLoS ONE debunked the long-standing theory that its caffeine content contributed to dehydration.
Maintain A Healthy Weight : Being significantly overweight may increase a person's chances of having recurring migraines according to a 2013 study from Johns Hopkins University the finding was especially true for women white people and those 50 and younger we also know that being obese can turn episodic headaches into chronic headaches says dr. green it's one of the major risk factors we worry about losing weight through diet and regular exercise or keeping your weight healthy if you're already there can go a long way in preventing headaches from happening more frequently.
Keep Stress Levels Low : According to a 2014 German study the more stress you have in your life the more headaches you're likely to get participants ranked their stress levels from 1 to 100 and also reported the frequency and types of headaches they experienced for every increase of 10 points on a stress scale the average number of headaches per month increased six point three percent for tension headaches and four-point three percent for migraines psychological stress can cause all kinds of physical tension that you may not even be aware of explains dr. Lauder she recommends taking frequent breaks from stressful situations and relaxing with something you enjoy it can be yoga meditation or a hobby of some sort like gardening whatever you find to be calming and that takes your mind off of your worries.
Have Some Caffeine (but not too much having) : A cup of coffee at the first sign of a headache is an old trick because caffeine has a mild painting effect and can be very useful in the early stages says dr. Lauder but it's important to not overdo it because you can build up a tolerance for it caffeine is a double-edged sword she explains if you consume too much too regularly you will experience withdrawal on the day's you don't get it to keep your regular intake fairly low so that when you need it intermittently you can pull it out as a secret weapon she says if you're regularly drinking 6 or 7 cups a day you're kidding yourself if you think an extra one is going to do any good.
Take Computer Breaks : Eyestrain on its own isn't usually a cause of bad headaches says dr. Lauder but she believes that spending long hours in front of a computer can make people more susceptible to them it hasn't been well studied but having talked with many patients I believe that very prolonged and intense periods of mental concentration can contribute to headaches she says paying attention to economics at your workspace can help reduce strain on the neck she says and taking frequent breaks every 30 minutes or so to stretch and look away from your computer screen can reduce eye strain and muscle stiffness.
Stay Out Of The Sun : Heading to the beach on a sunny summer afternoon pack plenty of fluids and a beach umbrella if you're prone to migraines according to a 2009 Harvard University study a person's risk of having a severe headache goes up 7.5 percent for every 5 degree Celsius rise in temperature bright sunlight heat and dehydration probably all play a role in this type of pain dr. Greene wearing sunglasses can help he says as concei King shade or air-conditioning when you feel yourself getting overheated.
Exercise Regularly : A vigorous workout while you're in the throes of a bad headache may not be a good idea and in fact an increased pulse may actually make the pressure or the pounding worse says dr. green but during the times your headache-free regular exercise is a good way to help you stay that way 1 2009 Swedish study found that migraine patients experienced fewer and less intense headache episodes after they adopted a regular cycling routine other research has suggested that yoga can also help prevent headaches although dr. Lauder recommends taking caution with hot yoga classes if high temperatures are a known trigger for you.
Spit Out Your Gum : Chronic gum chewing can contribute to stress on your jaw suggests a 2014 study from Tel Aviv University TMJ has been linked to head pain and researchers found that out of 30 teenage and adolescent participants 26 saw their headache symptoms improve when they gave up their daily gum-chewing habit I'm sure that any sort of prolonged intense muscular contraction in the head or neck region probably could provoke a headache says dr. Lauder her patients often complain about visiting the dentist she adds because keeping their mouths open for so long can give them headaches as well.
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