Eat Mango In A Day And See What Happens To Your Body

Hey guys, don’t you love mangoes? What’s not to love about them! They’re sweet, brightly colored, and delicious! In some parts of the world they’re actually called the ‘King of Fruits’ and today, we’re gonna find out why.

Eat Mango In A Day And See What Happens To Your BodyWith HealthUrgency.

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Here’s why you should be eating more mangoes: 

They’re packed with the good stuff: Mangoes are full of vitamins and minerals your body needs but don’t take our word for it, check out all the benefits. One cup of chopped up mango will give your body the following: 1 gram of protein, 2 grams of fiber, 20% of your copper, almost your total recommended amount of vitamin C for the day (about 67%), 10% of your vitamin A and E not to mention decent amounts of vitamin B5, K B6. Really the list goes on and on but we think you probably get the point by now, they’re really good for you.

They’ll Make Your Hair and Skin Look Nice: Because mangoes are packed with a ton of vitamin C and A, they’ll help your hair grow and can fight off wrinkles. Vitamin A will encourage the hair to grow and can also produce the stuff that helps moisturize your scalp, which in turn keeps your hair looking great. Not to mention all the vitamin C in there will boost your collagen levels. Collagen is your friend, especially when it comes to your skin, that’s what gives it it’s bounce and will help prevent it from getting wrinkled or losing shape. Speaking of the skin, did you know mangoes are commonly used to treat acne? It’s a bit of a home remedy, but you can use the pulp by applying it to the affected area and it’s said to open clogged pores in your skin. This could reduce the amount of acne on your skin. All you gotta do is apply the pulp into your skin for about 10 minutes and rinse.

Can Help Protect You From Asthma: There’s something called beta-carotene that’s in things like mangoes, papaya, broccoli, carrots, and more. It’s said that this nutrient (among others) can help fight off the effects of asthma. Asthma is a chronic illness that can affect anyone at any age and is commonly known to swell the airways to a person’s lungs, making it difficult to breathe at times. It’s said that those who eat more beta-carotene had a lower risk of developing asthma in the first place. If you already have asthma, it probably won’t cure you as no cure is available, but giving your body a boost with all these added nutrients can’t hurt.

Antioxidants: Ah yes, something we talk about all the time here at Healthurgency. Antioxidants are extremely important if you want to stay healthy. They protect your body from free radicals which are harmful compounds that basically hurt your body at a cellular level. You want lots of antioxidants that can fight them off because free radicals are linked to all sorts of bad stuff like cancer, diabetes, premature aging, and other diseases. The good news is mangoes are overflowing with polyphenols that act as antioxidants. It’s also been said that mangoes contain some “super antioxidants” as well. Just part of the reason why we think mangoes are super.

Good For Your Eyes: So, we just covered how mangoes contain antioxidants which now you know are really good for you, well there are two specific ones called lutein and zeaxanthin which can help your peepers in a big way. These compounds protect the retina and lenses in your eyes, but these particular compounds also have been proven to help you physically see further (help your visual range) can help your eyes deal with glare more efficiently and will also help your eyes adjust more easily after they’ve been exposed to bright light, like when someone uses the flash on their camera and you see dots for the next 10 minutes, isn’t that annoying?

Eat Mango In A Day And See What Happens To Your Body, Know King Of The Fruit.

Can Help Your Heart: Fiber, potassium, and lots of vitamins are all things that your heart loves. Cons using lots of these healthy vitamins and minerals can actually help you prevent heart disease which is the leading cause of death in the United States. If you up the amount of potassium along with cutting back on salt you can really help reduce your risk of hypertension as well. Plus the potassium, and magnesium found in mangoes have been shown to help keep your pulse healthy, relax your blood vessels and possibly help to lower your blood pressure. All that from a delicious mango!

Digestion: Keeping your stomach happy is something we all want. No one wants indigestion or even worse, to become constipated. Turns out mangoes are good for your gut, too. They help your stomach break down food so it can be absorbed into your system. It’s because of the digestive enzymes and these are really prominent in ripe mangoes, and the more ripe your mango is, the sweeter it is. Not to mention mangoes have fiber, so that’ll help keep you regular and really help you out if you’re someone who experiences constipation or any digestive problems like that.

They’re Good Right Down To The Bone: Wait, mangoes don’t have bones, but you do! Yep, mangoes are good for your bones too. Because of vitamin K, they contain they can help make your bones stronger. People who have a low intake of vitamin K are at a much higher risk of developing osteoporosis. Vitamin K is made from plants, and you can get it from things like mangoes, kale, collard greens, Brussel sprouts, and more. Vitamin K also helps your body absorb calcium, which as you’ve probably heard before is good for your bone health.

Can Help Boost Your Immune System: The vitamin that gets the spotlight on this topic is vitamin A. Mangoes provide about 10 percent of your recommended daily intake of vitamin A and this one is essential for keeping your immune system healthy. Your immune system fights off infections and keeps you healthy so keeping your vitamin A intake up is vital. Not to mention all the vitamin C that comes from mangoes can help your body make more white blood cells. These are your bodies mini heroes that charge into battle to defend your body against disease. Mangoes are super versatile and easy to add to any diet. You can eat them sliced up on their own or you can add them to smoothies, salads, and even salsa! One small thing to keep in mind is that mangoes are really sweet, so while they do contain all these health benefits, it’s best to limit yourself to about one mango a day, or about 2 cups. The key to a healthy diet is variety anyway,

Eat Mango In A Day And See What Happens To Your Body, Eat Slice Of Mango.

So you don’t want to overdo it on any one particular thing at a time anyway. For more on ways to eat healthily don’t forget to check out our “Healthy Food And Nutrition & Health” labels! What’s your favorite way to enjoy mango? Is it your favorite fruit, or do you enjoy something even more? Why not let us know in the comments section below. 

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